By J. Michael Welton for Huffington Post
First of all, there’s the sheer size of the thing. It’s a 14-foot-tall, three-dimensional head. And it’s covered in 3,000 LED panels, populated by 850,000 LED lights.
By J. Michael Welton for Huffington Post
First of all, there’s the sheer size of the thing. It’s a 14-foot-tall, three-dimensional head. And it’s covered in 3,000 LED panels, populated by 850,000 LED lights.
By Alexandra Appolonia for Business Insider
This is the ultimate way to take a selfie. A 14-foot sculpture displays a larger-than-life image of your face. It is located in the Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus Ohio. Here's how to take a giant selfie.
By Sky Arte
Quando il monumento diventa… interattivo! Per i più fortunati che trascorrono le vacanze invernali negli Stati Uniti, è imprescindibile fare tappa nello stato dell’Ohio, per sperimentare – mettendoci letteralmente la faccia – l’ultima opera dell’artista locale Matthew Mohr. Da alcune settimane, all’interno del Greater Columbus Convention Center, a Columbus, chiunque lo desideri può infatti temporaneamente protagonista del progetto artistico As We Are.
By Bouncy
アメリカ・オハイオ州コロンバスのGreater Columbus Convention Centerに、体験型のユニークなパブリックアート「As We Are」が設置された。体験者の自撮り写真を高輝度LEDで投影して巨大な顔面像にするというもので、現地に行けば誰でも体験できるようになっているという。
By Victor M. for Creapills
Et si un jour vous aviez la surprise, lors de la visite d’une exposition, de tomber sur une statue de vous ? Bon, il y a peu de chance que ce soit possible, mais ce projet créatif imaginé par Matthew Mohr se rapproche fortement de l’idée. Aux États-Unis, cet artiste a travaillé sur une œuvre baptisée “As We Are” qui consiste à afficher votre visage en temps réel sous la forme d’un selfie géant à l’aide d’une sculpture entièrement composée d’écrans.
By Marcin Watemborski for WP Fotoblogia
Za projektem ”As We Are” (”Tacy, jacy jesteśmy”) stoi artysta Matthew Mohr. Jego wyjątkowa trójwymiarowa interaktywna rzeźba w kształcie ludzkiej głowy wyświetla odpowiednio zmapowane selfie. Jeśli chcielibyście zwizualizować sobie jak by wyglądała wielka statua z waszym wizerunkiem, zdecydowanie powinniście tego spróbować.
By Chambre 237
As We Are (comme nous sommes) est une sculpture interactive de 4,2 mètres de haut de l’artiste Matthew Mohr. L’oeuvre en forme de tête expose lentement et alternativement, grâce à une base de données, les visages de résidents de Columbus et de ses visiteurs sur 24 bandes horizontales d’écrans LED.
By Daksha Morjaria for DOGOnews
Ever since Apple introduced the front-facing camera in 2010, selfies have become the undisputed king of social media. The incessant need to share breathtaking self-portraits on popular mobile photo services like Instagram and Snapchat has often proved to be dangerous and, in some cases, even deadly. Fortunately, that will not be the case for those using a new art installation in Columbus, Ohio, which transforms an ordinary phone selfie into a 14-feet-high 3D sculpture, which can be admired by all.
By Steve Dent for Engadget
Selfies can be a small act of self-promotion, but it's nothing compared to what artist Matthew Mohr can do for you. He has built a sculpture called As We Are that projects your face onto a 14-foot high interactive sculpture at the Columbus, Ohio convention center. "It is an open-ended, conceptual piece that explores how we represent ourselves individually and collectively," Mohr said in an artist's statement. "As We Are presents Columbus as a welcoming, diverse culture where visitors and residents can engage on multiple levels."
By artnet News for artnet
The smartphone revolution has put incredibly powerful devices into the pockets of millions and millions of people, and that’s great, but it also gave birth the selfie craze. If you’re not taking photos of your own mug at least a couple of times every day you’re probably in the minority, but what if you’re a seasoned selfie snapper who really wants to take things to the next level? In that case you’re probably going to want to visit the Greater Columbus Convention Center, where a new interactive sculpture is turning the faces of everyday people into huge works of art.
By Dunja Djudjic for DIY Photography
Artist Matthew Mohr has created an interesting and unique piece of art. His project titled As We Are features a 14-foot 3D interactive human head. It was assembled from a skeleton covered with ribbons of LED screens. In its neck, there’s a photo booth where the visitors can capture 3D photos of themselves. Once they do it, the giant head displays their face, turning them into a statue.
By Maria Erman for Designboom
permanently installed in the greater columbus convention center, columbus, ohio, ‘as we are’ is the first of its kind but others can be installed anywhere else in the world. the sculpture is a fourteen-foot, 3d universal human head made from ribbons of ultra-bright, LED screens.
By Valentina Tanni for Artribune
Si trova a Columbus, in Ohio, la grande scultura interattiva di Matthew Mohr. Una testa alta oltre 4 metri ospita i lineamenti di chiunque sia disposto a farsi scattare un ritratto in 3D. Ecco tutte le immagini.
Daily Geek Show
Se montrer, s’afficher, s’exposer… L’image de soi a pris une place tellement prépondérante dans notre société que cet artiste, répondant au nom de Matthew Mohr, a décidé de transformer nos selfies en véritable sculpture en 3D. Impressionnant… mais angoissant.
By Lori Dorn for Laughing Squid
Artist and physicist Matthew Mohr has created “As We Are” an amazing interactive sculpture of a 14 foot human head made of LED screen ribbons that contains a photo booth located behind in its neck.
By Kala Barba-Court for Plain Magazine
As We Are, an interactive installation by artist and Columbus College of Art and Design professor Matthew Mohr, is the closest some of us will get to having our faces plastered on a billboard for everyone to see. Via a program, the faces of participants are projected onto 24 horizontal ribbons of LED screens arranged to form the shape of a head. The enormous installation stands 14 feet high — an engaging and thrilling larger-than-life public art experience that addresses “”the relationship between self and representation of self, asking the subject of the portrait to reconsider presence through magnification.”
By James Gabriel Martin for Lonely Planet
A unique interactive installation has been unveiled in Columbus, Ohio that enables visitors to create a gigantic digital sculpture of their own heads. Created by Design Communications Limited along with local artist Matthew Mohr and The Greater Columbus Center, “As We Are”, utilizes a 32-camera 3D photo booth and 850,000 individual LEDs in order to generate a dramatic likeness of guests that get their images taken inside it. Using custom facial recognition software and a process called photogrammetry, synchronized cameras inside the structure capture a person’s portrait and custom software stitches the separate photos back together to display across the surface of the sculpture.
By Jessica Miley for Interesting Engineering
Artist Matthew Mohr has created a 4-meter high sculpture that projects a lifelike image of people's faces. He wants viewers to question the phenomena of social media.
如果走在路上看到特大號版的自己的臉,出現在螢幕上,會是什麼樣的感受呢?藝術家 Matthew Mohr 在美國俄亥俄州的 Greater Columbus Convention Center 推出的裝置藝術 As We Are,用24排LED螢幕打造出 14 呎高的頭型螢幕雕像,雕像和儲存各腫臉孔的資料庫連線,然後緩慢的360度旋轉,變換臉孔,所以......變臉比翻書還快在這裡是不成立的(無誤)!
By SA Rogers for Web Urbanist
Seeing what your face looks like 14 feet tall and enlarged hundreds of times in a public forum might sound like a nightmare to some people, but to others, it’s a fun way to interact with other visitors at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. ‘As We Are’ is a permanent sculptural installation made of 23 ribbons of LED screens wrapping around a vaguely head-shaped base on a podium. Walk around to the back, and you’ll find the entrance to a photo booth inside.